Damian Barabonkov

Software Engineer — Bachelors and Masters in Computer Science, MIT


Strassburger Str. 7g

Berlin, 10405


Hey, thanks for stopping by! 👋

I am a machine learning engineer at QuantCo. Before QuantCo, I studied Computer Science and Engineering (6-3) at MIT. My computing interests focus around systems programming, software design and performance engineering.

I proudly contribute to the open-source community. Projects that I have written, open-sourced and actively maintain include groupstorm, algopytest and conda-comply. I have also opened issues and written bug patches to Pandas, Pyarrow and Eigen.

Aside from computer science, teaching has always been important to me. All throughout university, I have taught and assisted various courses such as: graduate level Theory of Computation (18.404), undergraduate level Computability and Complexity Theory (6.045), Software Performance Engineering (6.172) and Computation Structures (6.004).